Monday, August 23, 2010


So it's moved beyond pathetic now.

I had an "a-ha moment" probably the day after my last post and have put off that discussion for what is it, let's see here now, five months?!? But I digress...

Back to my "a-ha moment!" And I'm not talking about a flashback of my neighbor Mark C. imitating the Norwegian band in the shower....

Rather, as I sat back and over-analyzed why I don't sit down for 20-30 minutes each day to put thought to paper, I noticed a demoralizing pattern. My desire to write is there, much like my desire to do many things in my life.

And here's the realization I came to: if I can't have/do/produce/etc. something EXACTLY how I unrealistically envision it in my mind, in the typically unrealistic time frame I have placed on myself, I begin to question whether I should have/do/produce/etc. said thing at all. And thus begins my unravel!

Sometimes it ends with a half-baked result. Other times no result at all, with pieces/parts walked away from. And in most cases a massive sense of shame and failure that I secretly (so I have deluded myself to believe) carry around.

Stay with me now, this public self-analyzing thing is both therapeutic and rare, and is bound to get better.

This burden that I have placed upon myself gets HEAVY and I begin to shut down things. Most often I decide not to care. But I do care. This emotional wrestling becomes physically tiring as well.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Fixing the Disconnect...

It's pretty pathetic that I haven't posted a word since February. I created this blog as a way to share the many eclectic, new, interesting, and oftentimes odd ideas that make my world go around.

Thinking out loud:
  • I have a lot to say;
  • I love to write;
  • and I certainly can make time to do what I want...
One would think, and that certainly includes my own thinking, that these three things combined would be conducive to maintaining consistent posts on one's blog created for specifically displaying said thoughts.

Apparently there is some disconnect.

It's not that I don't have tens, if not **cringe** hundreds, of topic reminders that I want to write about.

It's also not that my love for writing is diminishing. In fact, I find it very refreshing to display my creativity the the written word. At one time I even had a talent for it. Don't want to lose that talent by not using it!!

So it looks like it comes down to making the time to do what I want. I am busy. I am mother to three, wife to one (thank goodness), pet caretaker (outdoor of course), friend to many. And that's just the beginning.

So as I search for that fix to the disconnect, let's hear it for making time to do what you want!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Three Days, Three Ways. Are you ready?

As a proponent of sustainability, and certainly self-reliance and preparedness, I love to hear the local (Western WA) advertisements for being prepared. "3 Days, 3 Ways ... Are you ready?"

I love living in the NW and was thrilled when we moved back six years ago, fully aware that we were relocating to a hotbed of possible natural disasters. Mt. Rainier. The Cascadia Subduction Zone. The Pacific Ring of Fire. No matter how you spell it or what you call it, it's real.

The true reality struck on our first drive through the Puyallup valley from Tacoma. A fantastic network of public awareness signs had been set up pointing out the volcano escape routes.

That's unnerving to say the least! This did in fact feed my neurosis and has since driven MANY a major decision for me!

There are any number of additional reasons to be prepared and it is great to hear it being proclaimed to the general public. The '3 Days, 3 Ways' Web site is managed by the King County Office of Emergency Management, and it invites one and all to prepare in three ways: make a plan, build a kit, and get involved. A plethora of informational resources!!

Their Web site also suggests becoming ready to survive for at least '3 Days.' There are several scenarios: in place at home, school or work or on the go. Being the owner of a significant supply of the basics and multiple 72-hour kits (one for each member of the family!) I feel that our family has a good start.

Are you ready? It's not an easy thing to do and can be very overwhelming at best. In addition to these government resources I have tapped into my ecclesiastic support system as well as other internet sites. Take a peek and "GET READY!"

Friday, January 29, 2010

Pesticide Free Zone - Really?

I have this really cute sign I procured at one of the green festivals I attended in that past year. It looks like this --

While it's cute and sturdy, ready to display outside in my yard - I have to say that it won't make it there. And not just because I'm too lazy to put it out!

The phrase "Pesticide Free" is so overused and used IMPROPERLY! I believe that it brings great comfort to many people as they believe there are no chemicals used in the production of their consumables. And that is a nice thought.

But really folks, what is a pesticide? Anything that kills a pest, right? So that cute little ladybug in the picture is a pesticide for all intents and purposes.

I find it hard to believe that healthy consumables can be produced without pesticides. Think about it.

It's that gardening time of year again! I recently renewed my application for Pierce County Master Gardener and am prompted to begin blogging again. There is so much information to share!