Friday, January 23, 2009

Don't Worry, Be Happy!

Today was the second day of my Master Gardener course. My neurosis has been fed. I learned enough to blog about for weeks. And believe me, I will. But don't worry, be happy - enlightenment helps us make informed choices!

I chose to take the courses and put in the time to become a Master Gardener so that I could be a better gardener at home. I want to grow better flowers, fruits and vegetables. I want to have access to the latest information on all the methods, technologies and developments that come from the research university here that sponsors the Master Gardener program.

Just a quick side-note: the Master Gardener program was started right here in Pierce and King Counties through the Washington State University Extensions. Now it's a nationwide program with most of the land-grant, agricultural schools.

Anyway, last week we learned about soils! Who knew that there was six hours of fascinating information about soils?!? It was amazing and the teacher was amazing. This week would prove to be no less fascinating, but in a different way.

This week we spent the first half of the day learning about pesticides! I will share most if not all of what I learned in the near future. I am pleased to say that I was able to hold my cookies in the whole time. I sit on the front row, right in front of the instructor, and nobody signed up for the lecture and a show....

What's the big deal? Let's just say that I was sickened with the knowledge I learned. It will help me make informed choices! And it has compelled me to share with those near and dear to me so that they too can make informed choices.

My only regret is that those loving and, well, mean friends and family were unable to join me in this lecture - you would have loved to see me squirm. I know it.


  1. sound interesting. I am the lucky one that will benifit from your LONG classes with the condested version. hehe. Way to go.

  2. I always love to see you squirm! Can't wait to take advantage of your newfound knowledge. Thanks for sharing it with us. I am a bit nervous though....when you know better then you have to do better. Will I be able to make the best informed choice?!
