Thursday, January 22, 2009

Total Recall(ection)

Yum, we love the peanut butter! It's disturbing to hear that more and more and more products are being added to the recall list - especially painful is the dog food, most likely processed right next to those granola bars and crackers!! Should I run to the pantry and purge (heehee)?

After a little research I feel much better. Our tub of organic natural peanut butter is safe, for the time being. It's interesting to note that the products affected are pretty much highly processed - sold in stores as a highly processed product or shipped off to our nursing homes and schools for lunch! Anyone need another reason NOT to eat school lunch?

Amazed that I care about peanut butter? I really do eat it now, actually I LOVE it now! Years of abstinence and therapy have allowed me to overcome the chunky peanut butter throw-up dream. Skiing down that oh-so-smooth creamy hill of peanut butter only to trip on an obnoxious chunky peanut rock and fall face first into the pool of peanut oil that had separated at the bottom of the hill - urp! Maybe some things are better left un-recalled. None of that purging either.

As for all those highly processed peanut butter "flavored" items. No need to worry. They've been banned for the most part from the pantry already. Started worrying about all the extra things in the peanut butter long ago and now eat the real stuff. If we want peanut butter anything we'll make up a batch of homemade cookies. Now that's something to remember!

See? It's in your best interest to be aware.....

1 comment:

  1. your a great creative writer. And you made me laugh, I needed that this morning. thanks
